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Small Wonder Eye Care Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

The Importance of Routine Eye Exams and What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Routine eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health and preventing potential vision problems. Many people overlook the importance of regular check-ups, assuming that their vision is fine. However, even if you have perfect vision, routine eye exams are crucial for detecting early signs of eye conditions that may not have noticeable symptoms.

Four Decades Later: how an eye exam changed one woman's health journey

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of examining a patient who hadn't had an eye exam in over four decades. What we discovered during the examination not only surprised her but underscored the crucial role regular eye exams play in our overall health.

The Self-Pay Advantage

Here are several ways in which the self-pay advantage works for you at Small Wonder Eyecare.

Why does my baby need an eye exam?

Here are three reasons your baby needs an eye exam.

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